Surface polarization strongly influences electrostatics in a nonlocal medium Behjatian, Blossey & Krishnan, Journal of Chemical Physics 162 (2025) 064901 |
Sensing the structural and conformational properties of single-stranded nucleic acids using electrometry and molecular simulations Walker-Gibbons et al., Scientific Reports 14 (2024) 20582 |
A charge-dependent long-ranged force drives tailored assembly of matter in solution |
Wide-field optical imaging of electrical charge and chemical reactions at the solid–liquid interface Mahanta et al., PNAS 119 49 (2022) e220995511. |
Single-Molecule Trapping and Measurement in a Nanostructured Lipid Bilayer System Bespalova et al., Langmuir 38 (2022) 13923-13934. |
Far-field electrostatic signatures of macromolecular 3D conformation Kloes et al., Nano Letters 22 (2022) 7834-7840. |
Opto-electrostatic determination of nucleic-acid double-helix dimensions and the structure of the molecule-solvent interface Bespalova et al., Macromolecules 55 (2022) 6200-6210. |
The role of surface chemistry in the orientational behavior of water at an interface Walker et al., Journal of Physical Chemistry B 126 (2022) 4697-4710. (Featured Article; ACS Editors' Choice) |
Electrostatic free energies carry structural information on nucleic acid molecules in solution Behjatian & Krishnan, Journal of Chemical Physics 156 (2022) 134201. |
Nonmonotonic pair potentials in the interaction of like-charged objects in solution Behjatian et al., Langmuir 38 (2022) 786-800. |
Electroviscous effect for a confined nanosphere in solution Behjatian et al., Physical Review E 102 (2020) 042607. |
Interfacial solvation can explain attraction between like-charged objects in aqueous solution Kubincova, Hunenberger & Krishnan, Journal of Chemical Physics 152 (2020) 104713. (Featured Article; 2020 JCP Editors' Choice article) |
Single-molecule trapping and measurement in solution Bespalova, Mahanta & Krishnan, Current Opinion in Chemical Biology 51 (2019) 113-121. |
Entropic trapping of a singly charged molecule in solution Ruggeri & Krishnan, Nano Letters 18 (2018) 3773-3779. |
Spectrally resolved single-molecule electrometry Ruggeri & Krishnan, Journal of Chemical Physics 148 (2018) 123307. (2017 Editors' Choice article in "Advanced Experimental Techniques") |
Lattice diffusion of a single molecule in solution Ruggeri & Krishnan, Physical Review E 96 (2017) 062406. |
A simple model for electrical charge in globular macromolecules and linear polyelectrolytes in solution Krishnan, Journal of Chemical Physics 146 (2017) 205101. |
Single-molecule electrometry |
Measured electrical charge of SiO2 in polar and nonpolar media Kokot, Bespalova & Krishnan, Journal of Chemical Physics 145 (2016) 194701 (Editor's Pick). |
Information storage and retrieval in a single levitating colloidal particle |
Measuring three-dimensional interaction potentials using optical interference Mojarad et al., Optics Express 21 (2013) 9377-9389. |
Electrostatic free energy for a confined nanoscale object in a fluid Krishnan, Journal of Chemical Physics 138 (2013) 114906. |
Angular trapping of anisometric nano-objects in a fluid Celebrano et al., Nano Letters 12 (2012) 5791-5796. |
Measuring the size and charge of single nanoscale objects in solution using an electrostatic fluidic trap Mojarad & Krishnan, Nature Nanotechnology 7 (2012) 448-452. |
Geometry-induced electrostatic trapping of nanometric objects in a fluid |
Selected previous work
Spontaneous stretching of DNA in a two-dimensional nanoslit Krishnan et al., Nano Letters 7 (2007) 1270-1275. |
PCR in a Rayleigh-Bénard convection cell Krishnan et al., Science 298 (2002) 793. |
An integrated nanoliter DNA analysis device Burns et al., Science 282 (1998) 484-487. |